Water Well Inspection: Everything You Need To Know

July 10, 2023

Living in a rural area or making plans to buy a rural property has its advantages. Yet, it also comes with many downsides - such as the lack of public water supply. Many rural communities rely on wells to meet their water needs, and even though modern wells are a far cry from rudimentary ones used in the past, they still pose a significant challenge for homeowners.

Water wells require regular checkups to make sure they’re safe, useful, and operate properly. An inspection conducted by a licensed professional can reveal issues such as health risks or poor water quality before they jeopardize the health of your family. 

If you’re only in the process of purchasing a property that has a well, you should test the water quality before closing the deal as a matter of precaution. This inspection is not mandatory when buying properties in Florida, but it can save you a lot of trouble in the future.

In case this is your first time being exposed to the prospect of a water well inspection, here are some of the things you should know.

Are Water Well Inspections Similar To Septic Tank Inspections?

In most cases, homes situated outside of the sewage and water grid require both a well and a septic system. This wastewater solution is situated underground, so the natural concern is always whether it’s in any way polluting the water supply. 

Although the septic system and a well have plenty of benefits, including no sewage costs and the fact they are more environmentally friendly, leaks can occur. As a result, the sewage waste may end up contaminating the water from the well. 

Why do we mention this?

Generally speaking, a water well inspection will reveal numerous insights about the septic system as well. As such, it will help you confirm whether the sewage/water system will cause problems in the future. 

For instance, when testing a well, the inspectors will measure its proximity to pollution sources and verify whether the well is uphill from the septic field or tank as this ensures the surface water doesn’t reach the well. 

This is why it’s necessary to always schedule a water well inspection when purchasing a property as it can help you avoid buying an estate with a well that is bound to develop headaches.

When Is The Right Time To Get A Water Well Inspection

If you already own a home with a water well, it’s imperative you practice proper maintenance and pay close attention to the system. In other words, you should have the well professionally examined at least once a year.

Otherwise, you should schedule a water well inspection whenever you notice any of the following:

  • Water emits a strong odor or has an odd taste
  • Water is cloudy due to suspended matter
  • You’re experiencing a loss of pressure capacity or the output of the well has increased
  • Pump starts cycling on and off at random intervals 

Additionally, it’s useful to have the well inspected whenever it’s opened for whatever reason (when the seal is removed) to save time.

If the water test comes back positive for anaerobic bacteria, total coliforms, or any other impurity, you’ll have to hire an expert to remediate the issue and disinfect the well. 

What Happens During A Water Well Inspection

In the basic sense, a water well inspection is a comprehensive evaluation of the entire well system. It covers everything from checking the water recharging back into the well to confirming the condition of the submersible pump.

Inspectors also thoroughly examine every inch of the pressure tank (normally located in the basement), and look for signs of mechanical defects such as faulty gauges, leaking seals, and rust in the tank - all of which can decrease the water pressure and allow the pollutants to spread to the drinking water. 

Here’s a typical water well inspection checklist in Florida:

  • Well hole 
  • Well casing
  • Grout
  • Well cap
  • Jet or submersible pump
  • Electrical wiring
  • Pressure gauges and valves
  • Control boxes
  • Pressure tank
  • Capacitors

Furthermore, a water well inspection will include measuring the level of pumped water. This serves the purpose of ascertaining the rate at which the pump works over time and shows whether all the components are in working condition. With electric pumps, the process will involve measuring the amps and ohms that the pump draws to establish consistency.

Expect the entire process to take between two and three hours, including performing a water test. All in all, you’ll get the findings of the inspection when the test results arrive which may take a few days. 

Average Price Of A Water Well Inspection

On average, having a well checked by a professional inspector will cost between $300 and $500. Naturally, the price will vary between different providers, as well as the type of water tests required.

In the majority of cases, you’ll also have to pay a surcharge of around $100 if the water is examined at the lab. 

Since the price of the septic system inspection conducted at the same time as the water well inspection will be only as high as $650, it’s financially sound to bundle these two together. That way, you’re getting a more accurate assessment of the property and its water/sewage system, plus you can save a few hundred dollars along the way. 

Inspect Your Well And Septic Systems Now!

The health of your family comes first, and since water is the source of life, you need to make sure your well system is safe and sound. Regular examinations will not only help you stay healthy but will also allow you to avoid costly repairs and remediations in the future, as you’ll be able to catch signs of trouble early.

Here at Guardian Angel Inspections, we're a licensed and insured
home inspection company based out of Royal Palm Beach, Florida. We can inspect all the parts of your water well and check for any contaminants that could be harmful to your well-being. We also take pride in helping the communities in South Florida - by hiring us, you won’t have to deal with any hidden or extra fees.

Schedule an inspection by filling out this
contact form or dialing 561-512-7854.

Disclaimer: The information on this website and blog is for general informational purposes only and is not professional advice. We make no guarantees of accuracy or completeness. We disclaim all liability for errors, omissions, or reliance on this content. Always consult a qualified professional for specific guidance.

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