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A septic system receives, treats, and disposes of unwanted wastewater and solids from a building’s plumbing system. Solids are partially broken down into sludge within a septic tank and are separated from effluent (water) and scum (fat, oil, and grease). Effluent regularly exits the tank into a drain field where it is naturally filtered by bacteria and reentered into the groundwater. Scum and sludge must be pumped periodically and should never enter the drain field.
Septic Inspections are performed by a third party, licensed, and insured septic inspection company.
Evaluate Septic Components Inside the Home
Check the Absorption Field
Check Floats and Filters
Check Pump Tanks, Pumps and Alarms
Examine Inside The Treatment Tank
Check All Applicable Setbacks
The septic system should be inspected once a year, including as soon as the house is put on the market for sale. This will enhance the home’s value and avoid any liability issues that might result from a malfunctioning system. It is in the interest of a prospective buyer to insist that the septic system be inspected before they purchase the home if it has not been done recently.
Since they perform their essential functions underground and out of sight, it is not uncommon for a homeowner to not have any idea where the septic system is located. This is usually not an issue except for when it comes time to inspect or pump the tank!
The septic tank is located using the following methods:
Baffles are septic tank components that slow wastewater entry sufficiently to ensure the distillation of solids, and prevent their release (as well as the release of scum) into the drain field. In doing so, they protect the absorptive quality of the soil and prolong the life of the septic system as a whole. They are normally made from the same material as the septic tank – either fiberglass, steel, or concrete.
Inspectors check baffles for the following:
Monday – Friday 7.30am to 7pm
Saturday Sunday 7.30am to 5pm
24/7 Online Scheduling 7 days a week.
Guardian Angel Inspections Inc. Is A Family Owned And Operated Home Inspection Company Based Out Of Royal Palm Beach Florida. We Are Licensed And Insured To Perform Numerous Types Of Property Inspections Including: New Construction Inspection (Draw Inspections), Resale Home Inspection, FHA Certification Inspection, Four Point Insurance Inspection And Windstorm Mitigation Inspection.
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At Guardian Angel Inspections, we are focused on providing a Home Inspection Service that is bound to a strict Code of Ethics, and standards of practice. What that means for you is, that we ensure that you will receive the “Highest Quality” service and high standard of professionalism and business ethics . We follow NACHI Nationally Accepted Code of Ethics, Nationally Accepted Standards of Practice, we do Not Perform Repairs on Any Home Inspected and Work Exclusively for the Customer.
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