Should You Get a Pool Inspection? A Guide for Homeowners & Buyers

July 29, 2019

When Should You Get a Pool Inspection?

Having your own swimming pool in the backyard is every homeowner’s dream. If you are looking to purchase a home that fulfills this dream, you need to pay full attention to the safety and the condition of the pool. Your family will be using it, so it has to be safe. Other than that, you don’t want the swimming pool to become a money pit, and that is why pool inspection is necessary. 

What Happens In A Pool Inspection

Pool inspection is carried out in 5 basic steps.

1. Walk Around – The pool inspector walks around the periphery of the pool to check whether there are any issues with the pool deck. He will also check the coping and the mastic that connects them both.
  2. Actual Pool Inspection – Here the pool liner along with the foundation is checked thoroughly for any damage in the form of cracks, which could lead to leaks.
  3. Pool Hardware Inspection – Handrails, ladders, lights, jets and drains are all checked to make sure they are sturdy, safely installed, and do not pose any immediate threat.
  4. Pool Equipment Examination – Filters, heaters, pumps, plumbing , etc. are examined along with all the electrical parts to validate they are as per standard.
  5. Checking Security – Next is an examination of the safety features, which include fencing and latches on the gates. This is the most important part of the inspection. The leading cause of death in children aged 1-4 is drowning, and South Florida is one of 2 areas in the US, with higher drowning rates due to the number of swimming pools. The other is Phoenix, AZ. Having the proper safety measures in place can help protect not just your own children, but others, as well, from the unimaginable.

Can Home Inspectors Check Swimming Pool

A pool usually has liability issues attached to it. As such, many home inspectors do not cover pool inspections under their purview. At such times, they will recommend that you engage a pool inspector to do the needful. 

If the home inspector agrees to do the pool inspection, remember he will only do a basic review.

Whether the home inspector would or would not agree to do the pool inspection depends on if he is adequately insured against liability. Even then, they will protect their interests by stating clearly in writing that they will only be doing a cursory check to determine if further inspection is required.

When Do You Need A Professional Pool Inspector

There are two scenarios under which you will have to engage the services of a professional pool inspector. These are –

 1. If your home inspector outright declines to perform the job.
2. If your home inspector clearly states that further evaluation is required of a component or components.

How To Find A Professional Pool Inspector

If you don’t know any pool inspectors, you can ask your real estate agent as well as the home inspector for recommendations. You can also look for a company that specializes in just pool inspections. Finally, you can ask your neighbors with pool for recommendations. 

Is Pool Inspection Really Needed?

For the safety of your own family as well as those who visit your home, a pool inspection is recommended. In case of any untoward incident, you can at least have a document to show that all necessary precautions were taken at your end. This will limit your liability and give you peace of mind.

Though optional, it is highly recommended that you get a thorough pool inspection done by a specialized party.

Disclaimer: The information on this website and blog is for general informational purposes only and is not professional advice. We make no guarantees of accuracy or completeness. We disclaim all liability for errors, omissions, or reliance on this content. Always consult a qualified professional for specific guidance.

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