Home Inspector Vs Appraiser - What’s The Main Difference?

May 1, 2023

Buying a home is a wonderful event, a sign you’re one step closer to achieving the elusive American dream. Yet, this is also one of the most complex transactions you’ll ever get to experience. 

Thus, it’s useful to be familiar with how the entire process works by receiving valuable insight from an impartial real estate specialist. During your research, you’ve probably heard about home inspections and appraisals, and although these seem quite similar on the surface, the goal behind them is different.

This is why today, we’ll tackle the
home inspector vs appraiser debate which will give you a better idea of which service is more valuable to you during your real estate purchase.

What Is A Home Inspection?

Generally speaking, the home inspection takes place after the seller lists their home and the buyer submits a written offer. The buyer can then conduct a home inspection after the seller accepts their offer.

That way, you (the buyer) can gain valuable information about the condition of the property and areas such as (but not limited to): 

  • Foundation
  • Electrical systems
  • Plumbing
  • Heating and cooling systems
  • Roof
  • Structural aspects of the home

The cost of this inspection is the responsibility of the buyer. 

On the other hand, sellers can also schedule
pre-listing inspections that allow them to discover any defects in the home. With these findings, they can improve their home, support their asking price, or even increase it. 

While making repairs is not necessary, the results of the pre-listing inspection will be available to prospective buyers. 

What Does A Home Inspection Look Like?

A typical
home inspection usually takes between two and four hours. Of course, the time may vary in relation to the size of the home and its condition. After the checkup is complete, the inspector will put together a report which outlines all the issues identified during the inspection.

You can attend this inspection and it’s advisable you do. Doing so may not sit well with the seller, but being present for the inspection provides you with the opportunity to ask questions about different aspects of the home. This may lead to a more efficient inspection process.

If any problems or structural issues with the property are revealed during the inspection, the buyer can negotiate the price with the seller. The inspection period can be extended if needed until all the damage has been repaired.

What Is An Appraisal?

The reason why home inspector vs appraiser is even a thing is the fact these two look almost the same. An appraisal requires a visit to the home and it also takes the form of a walk-through inspection, but this is where the similarities end.

An appraisal has completely different goals, which are:

  1. Determining if the buyer’s offer is fair and supported by the current real estate market
  2. Confirming if the home is safe (has no health or safety issues)

Home inspectors are usually hired by the buyer or the seller, whereas the home appraiser typically works on behalf of the lender. If, by chance, the results of the appraisal specify the price is too high or any health and safety concerns are present, the lender can pause the sale.

The seller then has the option to adjust the price and the buyer can come up with additional funds to cover the difference. Alternatively, both parties can work together to move the sale forwards by finding a mutually beneficial agreement.

Regarding health and safety issues, an appraiser will look for the following:

  • Working utilities (electrical, plumbing, HVAC systems, etc.)
  • Presence of water intrusions such as leaking roofs
  • Fall hazards (the absence of handrails or railings)
  • Toxic health hazards (mold, thermite infestations)
  • Structural integrity 

What Techniques Do Appraisers Use?

The appraisal process consists of looking for defects, condition of different aspects of the structure, as well as any features that may affect the market value of the home. Most commonly, appraisers will leverage the following techniques to ascertain the home’s value:

  • Sales comparison: the most commonly used appraisal method and it involves comparing the home in question to other homes with similar characteristics in the same area.
  • Cost approach: if there are no relevant sales comparisons, the appraiser will use this approach. The basic idea here is calculating the costs of building a new structure on the property similar to the home being appraised in accordance with construction costs and local labor rates.

Income approach: seldom used in appraising homes as it revolves around the income the property can generate. In other words, this method is used only when the property being sold will be used as a business investment such as for renting.

Home Inspector Vs Appraiser - Key Differences

To make it a bit easier to keep track of all the differences in the goals behind home inspector vs appraiser, we have put together this table you can use.

Main Goal Home Inspector Home Appraiser
Are their services required? Assesses the condition of the home on behalf of the buyer/seller Determines the market value of the home and checks for safety/health concerns on behalf of the lender
Who is paying for the service? Not legally, but it’s beneficial for both parties Required by the lender unless the transaction is conducted in cash
When does it occur? Buyer/seller Although the buyer pays for the appraisal, the cost will be folded into the closing costs
How do their findings affect the transaction? Right after the buyer makes an After the inspection period is over
Opens up the opportunity for negotiations in the buyer’s favor If the true value of the home is lower than what the buyer offered or there are any health/safety issues the lender can pause the loan process

Work With The Best Home Inspectors In The Market

The home inspector vs appraiser debate is pretty pointless as they have completely separate goals and methods. Still, while you may not be able to control the appraisal process directly, you do have a choice of the professional who conducts the inspection.

If you need a quick and affordable, yet thorough home inspection in the market, feel free to reach out to
Guardian Angel Inspections. All of our inspectors are certified, truly care about their clients, and will be happy to assist you in achieving the most favorable outcome in your purchase.

Call us today at
561-512-7854 or fill out our contact form and get valuable real estate insights that can tilt the odds in your favor.

Disclaimer: The information on this website and blog is for general informational purposes only and is not professional advice. We make no guarantees of accuracy or completeness. We disclaim all liability for errors, omissions, or reliance on this content. Always consult a qualified professional for specific guidance.

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